360° adjustable Ø 80 x 180 mm projector installable on 220V tracks with black or white finishings
A punctual point of view able to emphasize details and exclusive spaces: ML 48V, installable on 48V rail, is characterized by a combination of precision and strength. The professional projector, capable of high performances, is designed for having a minimal visual impact and is provided with an adjustable arm which can be inclined up to 360° both horizontally and vertically.
Lighting system for interiors to be flush-mounted.
Ø 70 x 110 mm projector installable on 48V tracks with black finishing
Ø 65 x 140 mm projector made in DurCoral® cement with a steel core for 48V track
Linear LED module for interiors suitable for 48V track
Adjustable luminaire installable on ceilings or walls with black or white finishings
360° adjustable Ø 80 x 180 mm projector installable on 220V tracks with black or white finishings
360° adjustable Ø 60 x 85 mm projector installable on 48V tracks with black or white finishings