225 mm-wide recessed lighting with single, double or triple spotlight adjustable on both axes, with white rearward source base
A precious box that emits a beam of light in a determined way: White Box, an indoor totally disappearing recessed luminaire made of AirCoral®and installable on plasterboard ceilings, is designed for having a minimal visual impact on the architectonic project, transforming light into pure emotion. This is possible thanks to the rearward position of the light sources. Available in three versions — single, double or triple —, White Box is the ideal product to incisively valorize details, objects and settings through light.
225 mm-wide recessed lighting with single, double or triple light source, adjustable on both axes, with black rearward source base
225 mm-wide recessed lighting with single, double or triple rearward spotlight, extractable and adjustable on both axes
225 mm-wide recessed lighting with light / sound sources adjustable on both axes, with black rearward source base
110 mm-wide recessed lighting with single, double or triple rearward spotlight, extractable and adjustable on both axes
380 x 150 mm rectangular recessed lighting with triple rearward extractable light source